Really admire and love the work of this blogger.
Ramzan 2017 is a time for introspection
Its all about fasting and feasting and self improvement too. For once, in the whole year we have this opportunity during Ramzan, to look inwards. Lets make the most of this, and stay focused on self improvement. Are we ready?
Being good at Change Management
Aren’t my blogs turning into text books? I hope not! I have to be careful, I’ve been an educationist for too many years. My blog on transitional phases in life is actually all about change. One’s ability to do it well revolves around the skill in change management. As they say, the only constant thing …
Weekend with poetry and writings.
Usually, weeks and months go by without connection with other writers and poets. The weekend of 6th and 7th May was an exception, I attended two literary events. On Saturday, May 6th was the book launch of Untouched Octaves with poetry written by Amin Hashwani and photographs by Bobby Hager, a Jewish photographer from the US …
A Dozen Ways to Reverse Mentoring
“You actually take make-up tips from your teenager?” Asked one of my fellow travelers, we were chilling in Ayun, one starry night in Chitral, in 2004. “Yes.” I said. “What do they know?” I was asked. “Well, they do know a lot – considering the fact that they use present day products, a lot better …
Dealing with loved ones in pain
Life has a way of testing you in different ways. As they say, “our lives in this world is like an examination, yet each one has a different paper.” Yes, a different paper, and that paper keeps changing also! “As you get used to one channel, life changes the channel!” Is another one of my …
Meetings sheetings!
Whether a meeting is within an organization, your home, family and its staff or even with your own self – the result is the same!
“You should write a blog on tenants!” my friend Nigar Nazar said, “Everyone has problems with them, and you are having such a good time.. You MUST write about it.” Ok, Nigar, I’m writing …… Actually, I had told her how sad I was when my tenants were leaving, and how sad they were. It …
The banker’s story:
As the interview for my last blog post on ‘Let Us Get Financial Acumen’ progressed, I was deeply touched by the story of struggles and hardships that came through. I felt like sharing it with you. It is also a story worth reading for those young men and girls who have foreign degrees and expect …