Random thoughts during my 14th Dual Targetted Infusion today. How the ‘familiar and unfamiliar changes with time and experiences. Thoughts to think which will help you feel better about your present and your past.

Random thoughts during my 14th Dual Targetted Infusion today. How the ‘familiar and unfamiliar changes with time and experiences. Thoughts to think which will help you feel better about your present and your past.
Sharing something I read in a beautiful book called the Transformational Power of Crisis. Specially, what is said about The Key to Hell, it is something that often happens among couples, unknowingly. Here is information that could save your marriage. If it is already stable, make it more stable by remembering these points.
Hi, Everyone! Probably, the most painful thing about any life changing event is the void that is created. A void is a real part of our lives. It keeps happening from time to time. It can happen even without a life changing event, but usually with a sad or happy change in one’s life. The …
It is about the glass walls that we are living in. No, you don’t realize that you are living in it, but you are. We all are actually living within compartments made of these glass walls. Occasionally, we share the compartment with others. Mostly, we live separately. Actually, no one knows about it. Only you …
Overwhelming workloads invariably put a gash in relationships, if you aren’t careful. So, while being happily ‘busy’ with success of your projects, do remember your loved ones. Take your concurrent responsibilities seriously too. Its all about self management skills. Your awareness of it, can make a big difference.
If life is difficult for us in these times, consider how hard it is for our children. Remember ‘for love, you need time’. When you get the time, don’t throw it away, by putting children into ‘summer classes’ and ‘winter break activities’. Spend the time with them. Otherwise, later on don’t wonder why there is …
Dealing with issues while caring for your elders. Very few of us are blessed with the responsibility of caring for one’s parents. I cannot express the rewards and blessings that I enjoy just due to their presence in our home. My parents have been with me for five years now. It is heartbreaking to see …
It is about making your story as ‘Happily ever after’ as possible. (Warning: This is my longest blog post – why not grab that cup of tea or coffee you’ve been wanting to have? It is can important topic, almost as important as life itself. So, here goes: ) I asked my eighty-four-year-old …
The scary business of choosing a life partner. Making the decision to choose a life partner is the toughest decision of one’s life. It has to be a decision which is straight from the heart – preferably, keeping both head and heart in sync. It is even tougher if you are choosing one for your child, …