Happy 75th Birthday, Pakistan!

I’ve been feeling emotional about these seventy-five years of Pakistan on 14th August, 2022, this year. In another twenty-five years, we would make a century! I know it hasn’t done as well as it should have; But we need to understand that India was lucky having its’ founding fathers there to establish its fledgling self, …

Ten-Year-Marriage Pitfalls

This post is for those who have been married for ten years or more. Here are points to keep in mind as you manage yourself and your family. Lots of issues do crop up and it is up to you to find ways to strengthen this bond. several ways are suggested, mainly it is to build your awareness of the situation you are in, and the dangers lurking around you and your family. Only then you can do something about it. Be strong and full of energy.

Stress free in a Stressful World

We live in a world today, where we face not only our own stresses of life, but that of all people around us, and even those living across the world. You’ve got to learn how to combat that, or you can become a jumble of nerves. Lots of ways are mentioned here, to help you stay cool and calm, while enjoying your own life too.

Need to Re-motivate Myself

After facing a personal battle for a long time, a time comes when you get tired of it all. This is the time for you to re-motivate yourself, so you don’t lose this battle. It can be any situation in your life, Currently I’ve been battling with cancer for over a year now, so I need fresh motivation. What about you? I’m sharing some ways I’ve found are working for me.