Remember my blog on Renton Writer’s Salon, which I joined when I went to Seattle, in 2016? I wrote about it. My first Renton Writer’s Salon Meetup. I really wanted something like it in Pakistan. Finally, I found the time to initiate it. I hope it continues, as the first one was absolutely wonderful! So, it was …
Weekend with poetry and writings.
Usually, weeks and months go by without connection with other writers and poets. The weekend of 6th and 7th May was an exception, I attended two literary events. On Saturday, May 6th was the book launch of Untouched Octaves with poetry written by Amin Hashwani and photographs by Bobby Hager, a Jewish photographer from the US …
My first Renton Writer’s Salon Meetup.
Held in Evergreen building, on September 18th 2016 When I come to USA, my greatest thrills are the books, travel and the ‘meet-ups’. – Besides meeting my family and friends of course! Firstly, Seattle is one of the most beautiful places on earth. Spectacularly beautiful! Well, staying in Renton, nearby this time, meant that …
The Pakish Identity – A Book Review
A book dedicated to the teachers of Pakistan. By Danish Rahi. Last week, when I received a call from Danish Rahi asking me to speak on the occasion of book launch of The Pakish Identity. I found out the book was 364 pages, and my speech was to be between 3-5 minutes. I …
A freelance writer in Pakistan
Found this article about how my life began as a writer. I became a writer quite by accident. And like all accidents… it happened rather suddenly. One fine morning Najib (my dearly beloved husband) walked into the room, the shaving foam still on one side of his face, and announced that “Kuwait has been taken over!” …
A Writer’s work!
Its about my experiences as a published writer of features for newspapers and magazines ….. I always thought that what you read in an article is exactly how the writer planned it. It isn’t. In fact many a times when a writer sees his or her work in print – it comes as a …