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Food for thought

Last blog of 2017?

Nine days till end of this year! Don’t you think its been an amazing year? Alhamdolillah. Here is probably my last post of this year…. though I do have my doubts! Thank you so much for your response to my blogs. I’m over whelmed. Even though many of you do not comment, I know you …


9th National Paintings Exhibition, NAG. After thirteen years, the National Exhibition took place at National Art Gallery, at PNCA, Islamabad. It was an evening of the fulfillment of dreams of so many artists in Pakistan. Somehow, National Exhibition has its own aura. There was a time I remember, when one just took it for granted. Conceived in 1973 by …


Sustainable Development Conference – 2017

Attending one of my favorite conferences… SDPI: Almost every December since 2005, I have attended the annual three-day conference of SDPI. This year the theme was: Seventy Years of Development-  The Way Forward, it was held on December 5,6th and 7th . I just love going there, it is a great experience. The director Uzma …