Every few years, life changes, and with those changes, another ‘normal’ becomes a part of your life. Isn’t that so? First it takes some time to adjust to the changes, and then it all becomes ‘normal’. Once you’ve faced it, you learn to adjust. Soon you even start enjoying it. Covid19 norms: You are thinking …
Build your Confidence
Hi Everyone! Many of you want to be more self-confident. Actually, it is all about building one’s self esteem. Frankly, that is what parents do for their children. Unfortunately, if your parents or your circumstances didn’t do a good job of it, then you’ve got to build it yourself. This post will help you build …
Staff and home management.
This post is on your request. You wanted me to share my staff time table with you all. As you might have noticed that my own daily time table hasn’t specified any cooking or household stuff in it. It is because I’ve delegated that work to my staff. I just manage it, giving me time …
Time table and daily routine
Hi Everyone! ‘How can someone stay so positive all the time?’ – Many of you have asked me this question. Time table includes needs. Today, I’ll show you how I do it. It is done, by making a daily time table, in which I take care of basic needs of well being; I take care …
When my phone dies…
On November 4th 2020, my smart phone fell off the bed. Palat! When I picked it up, the screen was black. It was unusable. Dead. What now? Literally, everything in our lives today is done with its help. Suddenly, I realized, how completely my life is run by my smart phone. Literally. Every night when …
Thrill of buying a mare.
Hi Everyone! Actually, I feel that I’m going through one of the best phases of my life, these days. (A big Alhamdolillah for that!) Just loving every minute of it. Can you believe, I bought a mare last week? I guess it was the climax of it all. Otherwise, managing family, household, staff, assets and …
Start your own bridal project.
Hi Everyone! Hope you are facing this resurgence of the Corona virus nicely. I’ve found the best way is to stay away from crowded places, and get busy with social work. It is so satisfying, keeps you fully engaged in a useful activity, and Keeps you away from viruses! Many of you have asked me, …
Drive Safely with Children!
I’ve loved driving ever since I learnt it. It is a ‘me time’ which I love. It has its own rules of safety and fun attached to it. In the last three decades I’ve driven in almost all kinds of circumstances. I can safely write this post on safe driving. Always starting with the ‘safar …
Finding peace in Hectic life
Hi, Everyone! Going about your life, suddenly one finds that the ‘peace’ factor is missing. Life is all about comings and goings. But got to be at peace with one’self while going about one’s busy-ness, business. Sighhhh, now after the Covid19 was getting controlled, we are finding the numbers rising again. It is all over …