A lot of the toughness in my life is caused by me! Seriously, I am my own worst enemy. So many of the things that are driving me crazy weren’t necessary in the first place! I mean I could have achieved my goal with just half the effort! Why did I over-do it? Was it …
Best Cancer Prevention video
By the Indian nutritionist Luke Coutinho. No matter how happy-go-lucky we all seem to be, on the back of our minds, is this horrid fear of cancer. All those who follow me, would know that my husband died of Cancer. So, naturally, this word has a deeper connotation for me. It is natural to …
First Week of Ramzan
It is important to begin this month right! So, with great hype and resolutions we started Ramzan. Weather has been amazing in Islamabad, I’ve had days without fans even. Yes, I know, it has touched forties in Karachi and other parts of the country. Anyhow, as usual, it is miraculously possible to keep the fast, …
Prayers and verses from Holy Quran.
Here is a sure shot way to face the trials of life successfully! At least this is how I faced them. I’m sharing with you some of my special selections which gave me peace and courage during the worst times of my life. These are verses from the Quran which have touched me deeply. I …
Friends are priceless!
How to have friends and keep them! Friends! Friends are some of the greatest treasures that we have. They play such a vital role in our lives. There are all types of friends in our lives. Some are very close, some are just acquaintances, the common factor is that you feel happy just being with …
Take heart, stay strong!
No matter what happens… In life, you’ve got to go on, and keep yourself fit enough to get on with the rest of your life. Remember, every issue is just like tissue, you use it and then throw it in the dustbin! Get ready, look around you. Make a place for the birds in front …
Time Management for Creative People
Promoting a creative mind and doing creative work is essential for growth and development. It is only the creative mind which can think outside the box and come out with innovative ideas. Such minds have the ability to get out of difficult life situations and problems. Their problem-solving instincts are best as they are …
Second Writer’s Meet-Up at SS
It was a merging of writers’ groups in Islamabad. It’s been a dream of mine for ages. The dream is to hold regular writer’s and artists’ meet ups at my studio. So, finally, this year I held the first one in January, First Writer’s Meet-up at My Studio.and now was the second one last weekend …
My Solo Trip to Nathiagali
https://www.facebook.com/shireen.gheba/videos/pcb.1933870899979526/1933870529979563/?type=3&theater There is something about mountains that just thrills me. I love mountains – the higher the better. It just refreshes you. This is why Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) regularly went and stayed in a cave (Ghar-e-Hira) for several days, on a regular basis. You need to distance yourself from your everyday life sometimes. It is …