It is time to accept the fact that some people prefer lives as bachelors. Being single is not a crime, and must be accepted by the society as such. Too many girls are pushed into marriages which are horrific, only to avoid remaining single. This isn’t fair.
Life after cancer
One’s life changes completely after cancer treatment. You and your body have had quite a thrashing. Now that you are out of this illness, it is important to mindfully step back into your new ‘normal’ life. Here are some points to help you get back your life.
Caregivers of Cancer Patients
So far, I’ve written about the cancer patient. Since I’ve been one. Yet, I specially want to write about the caregivers, now. Because I’ve been that too. From the moment you heard about this deadly disease, to any time during the caring of the patient, you know it isn’t going to be easy. Usually, cancer …
Your Place in Life Now
Before getting judgmental about others, know yours and their place in life. Each one of us is at a different place in our lives. That’s why we are behaving the way we do. Our place in life defines how we behave and what we do.
Our Coping Strategies.
A coping strategy is an action that one resorts to, when faced with an unpalatable situation. Something that you find unbearable, but still have to bear it for a time, which seems too long. It maybe just half an hour or months and years. So then, you find some activity to do, to help you …
Food for cancer prevention
You are now going to fight this illness with your choices of food, for rest of your life. It is best to get into these habits as soon as possible. It will be good for you and your family.
My Radiation Experience
Finally, reached the radiation stage in my treatment, which is usually the last. My fifteen days of treatment in January, were over soon. Here is a detailed perspective of it, which would be useful for anyone having to go through it.
Two Dozen Ways to deal with ‘C’ word.
I’ve written this blog post on request of my oncologist Dr. Farrukh, at Shifa International Hospital. He found my demeaner different from most of his patients. He wanted me to share how I’ve stayed motivated and kept myself feeling good throughout. Sometimes, while I’d be tapping away at the laptop during my chemo sessions, he would send some prospective patients to my cubicle, to show her that it isn’t so bad, it can be like this also!
Surgery – eazy peazy part
Just want to say a big Alhamdollah to my Allah. How He brought me to it, and led me through it. Kept me focused on the positive. He Brought the best solutions to each of my problems. The Chemos, all done, and now surgery which was the lumpectomy. It was the next step to overcome. …