Rain water control, tree plantation, elections and my life.

July 2018 thoughts… I guess, I better accept that real life isn’t so streamlined. Half the year is over, I’m already  behind schedule on lots of things. But then, I’ve also done a lot of things which were not in the ‘schedule’ but far more important; like engagement of my youngest daughter Waliya. Giving time …

My Solo Trip to Nathiagali

https://www.facebook.com/shireen.gheba/videos/pcb.1933870899979526/1933870529979563/?type=3&theater There is something about mountains that just thrills me. I love mountains – the higher the better. It just refreshes you. This is why Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) regularly went and stayed in a cave (Ghar-e-Hira) for several days, on a regular basis. You need to distance yourself from your everyday life sometimes. It is …