It is about the glass walls that we are living in. No, you don’t realize that you are living in it, but you are. We all are actually living within compartments made of these glass walls. Occasionally, we share the compartment with others. Mostly, we live separately. Actually, no one knows about it. Only you …
Truth about Lies
The journey from lies to truth. How do you feel when someone lies to you? How do you feel about that person? Yes, awful. You dislike that person! Next question: how can you do your business like this? (Is it halal if your income is gained through lies?) Why do we trust people abroad, more …
Four Secrets of Success
– I love it when a deep point is simplified! The other day, I saw this video of a sermon by Tariq Jamil. It has the secrets of success in both worlds. It is based on the sayings of Holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It gave me the answer to the secret of success of my …
Spiritual Awakening Session of Aitekaaf.
– Fasting and aitekaaf, even during the year- can help us in many ways. This blog is all about how you can try out aitekaf even at home. The other point is that it is good to do it during Ramzan; However, it is possible to do it even during the rest of the year, …
Joy of Charity Work
Somehow, you always receive more than you give! This topic is so close to my heart, I don’t know where to start! I suppose charity begins with empathy. Yet there are so many beginnings to it. Why give charity? It can be any of these reasons: To help others out of their dilemmas. To …
Prayers and verses from Holy Quran.
Here is a sure shot way to face the trials of life successfully! At least this is how I faced them. I’m sharing with you some of my special selections which gave me peace and courage during the worst times of my life. These are verses from the Quran which have touched me deeply. I …