Shireen’s Studio
I am currently managing a studio in E-11 Islamabad where I host workshops and creative sessions. Regular speakers like Abbas Hussain visit it from Karachi to conduct spiritual sessions and workshops.
Shireen’s Studio is an excellent platform for creative minds where they get together regularly for activities together. The focus of this group is educated and creative minds.I am a great believer of Synergy as I believe great things can happen when creative minds get together. I conduct art, writing and counselling classes/ lessons there.
Workshops conducted in Shireen’s Studio cover a range of topics:
- Writer’s meetups where authors, poets and scriptwriters read out their work to the group (Coverage here & here)
- Charity work (e.g. Ramadan campaign where gifts were collected & distributed at a CSS school E-11)
- Time management presentations
- Spiritual wellbeing sessions conducted by Abbas Husain
- Photography sessions by Waliya Najib.
- Painting workshops
- Singing/music sessions
- Home management
- Counselling
- Developing reading habits etc etc
If you are passionate about art, books and are enthusiastic about life, why not join the liveliest group of intellectual and likeminded people who have fun things to talk about. They are not into typical Pakistani drawing-room talks like committee parties, shopping, clothes, kitchen or politics.
We talk about creativity, art, change and try to make a difference…together.