My Books
My Paintings
Family Relationships

Holidays – opportunities for bonding with children.

If life is difficult for us in these times, consider how hard it is for our children. Remember ‘for love, you need time’. When you get the time, don’t throw it away, by putting children into ‘summer classes’ and ‘winter break activities’. Spend the time with them. Otherwise, later on don’t wonder why there is …

Challenges Positive thoughts Self enrichment

Over three trimesters of life.

This one is about three trimesters of life. How the media gives us misconceptions about ‘age’ and its stages. It is time to reboot that bit about how we are being perceived by others. Our own perceptions about how we feel should be our own prerogative and not based on whats dished out by media. Its a brief new look at life as we see it today. They say a cat has nine lives, how can we have the same?