Helping Street Children Become Street Smart.

Once,  a beggar child came to Allama Iqbal, and his friend asked him, ‘can’t something be done about them?’ He said, ‘their lives will not change, because no one is doing anything for them.’ This is why the street children, have continued to have the same fate for centuries. No one did anything, and another …

Rain water control, tree plantation, elections and my life.

July 2018 thoughts… I guess, I better accept that real life isn’t so streamlined. Half the year is over, I’m already  behind schedule on lots of things. But then, I’ve also done a lot of things which were not in the ‘schedule’ but far more important; like engagement of my youngest daughter Waliya. Giving time …

 On Iqbal’s Stray Reflections, PEF and PANA

Positive work going on in the Capital,  April 2018. Somehow, my weekends are so interesting. Getting invited to several events, I choose the ones which are constructive and relaxing too. Each of the events I’m sharing here, deserve separate blogs, yet I’m afraid they may get over-run by upcoming events. So, let’s go over these …