A round up of 2024 here, as most of the time I wasn’t here. Losing my Mother during that time has been the most heart wrenching part of it. Otherwise, God blessed me in every way, as you see.
Ending with sharing of my aspirations for this year 2025. May God bless each of you and myself, along with our families. May our dreams come true. May sanity prevail in the world. It gets pretty scary sometimes. As my mother always said, ‘Life is as you make it!’
Happy new year!
Healing Through Reading, Writing & Yoga
The importance of writing in one’s life is highlighted here. How through writing in diary or journaling, one can solve one’s issues, and feel better through this process.
Writing process or catharsis…
You have noticed that I’m writing lesser blog posts these days? – Or you didn’t, as you don’t read anyways! It’s okay if you don’t. You can read them another time. But, its me who has to keep writing. I’ve found that it is a catharsis for me. Writing is a process for deep cleansing. …
Bullet blogging & Sept 2020
Hi Everyone! If Edvard de Bono could write a book in four days, I can jolly well write a blog post in forty-five minutes and upload it before it becomes tomorrow. Yes, I’m challenging myself. I’m telling you, I’m done with myself and what keeps happening in my life to take me far from my …
My Latest Screen Writing Course.
What I’ve learnt through it. Now, watch how ‘fate’ plays a role in our lives; As you know, my trip to Seattle was recently cancelled by the mysterious loss of passport. Two months earlier, while planning the trip, one of my top priorities was to attend a screen writing course in Seattle. There was another …
Birthday Bash, Mushtaq Yousefi and International Widow’s day.
How do I put such topics together, which are almost poles apart?
For the simple reason that ….
…I can!
Continue reading “Birthday Bash, Mushtaq Yousefi and International Widow’s day.”
Time Management for Creative People
Promoting a creative mind and doing creative work is essential for growth and development. It is only the creative mind which can think outside the box and come out with innovative ideas. Such minds have the ability to get out of difficult life situations and problems. Their problem-solving instincts are best as they are …
Second Writer’s Meet-Up at SS
It was a merging of writers’ groups in Islamabad. It’s been a dream of mine for ages. The dream is to hold regular writer’s and artists’ meet ups at my studio. So, finally, this year I held the first one in January, First Writer’s Meet-up at My Studio.and now was the second one last weekend …
The Reading Session at National Book Festival, 2018
A personal point of view as I was participating for the first time. National Book Foundation is an organization which is purely book based and encourages writers and reading throughout the year. Once a year they hold this festival. After Nigar Nazar had taken me to the LLF (Lahore Literary Festival), she asked her friend …