Millions of people have been falling victim to online scams all over the globe by different frauds and schemes executed wholly or partly by technology. Where this progression of technology has eased our lives in almost every aspect, it has also birthed new means to swindle people. To help the victims I have come up …
Online Crime and Heartbreak – Part II
Hi Everyone! Hope you all are holding on tightly to all Corona precautions even though many countries have eased. Continuing with Part II of my blog post on online crimes, I’m sharing a few more types of crime that you may encounter. These can specially happen now when we all are rather vulnerable. Also we …
Online Crime and Heartbreak – Part I
Hi Everyone! I’ve been dying to write about online crime, but so many people started dying these days with and without the Corona Virus. So, I thought I’d give this topic a break. (Recently, Irfan, and then Rishi Kapoor.) On Facebook constantly one sees more persons falling ill. Then I realized, that at such times, …
Ramzan and Corona.
Salaams, Everyone! Peace and blessings be upon you. Together we are living through a new world. I’m loving this silence, this peace and this giving our time and thoughts to others. What with all this Corona business, and now its Ramzan – the month of fasting. Alhamdolillah! Situation these days: Believe me, at a time …
Twenty-first April 2020, Iqbal and My Self.
Salaams to all! How is life these days? How are you adapting to your new life? Believe me, I was actually looking forward to this lock down. (What more can an artist or writer want?) Previously,great writers would go into the woods and lock themselves up in a cabin for days to get that artistic …
Lock-down and Food Drive.
Salaams to Everyone! How are you faring so far? I’m sure most of you are doing well, in spite of all the apprehensions. It is almost a month since the lock down happened in Pakistan. It is not that bad here, as the grocery shops, chemists, fruit and vegetable shops are open. So, basic necessities …
Facing current financial hardships
Hi Everyone! We are into the third week of ‘voluntary lockdown’ in Pakistan. Today, I’m talking about something that is on everyone’s minds; Whether we talk about it or not, it is one of the biggest fears. Let us face this second biggest fear during this extended ‘lockdown’. (The first fear is of losing one’s …
Fighting Corona Virus War.
Hi Everyone! We are living through a nightmare. Can it be called the World War III? A war, having the entire world on one side, the Corona Virus (enemy) on the other side. The death toll is rising daily. Today, I’m writing about what we are going through now. Everything is changing so fast that …
Abdul Rahim my cook, my strength
Salaams Everyone! Today, I’m sad because I lost my cook Abdul Rahim, last year. He died exactly one month after my father last year on on Friday, March 22nd 2020. He took care of all the guests who kept coming for afsose and condolences for my father. Then he left our world too. Joined me …