Why Food Drives….

 Salaams to all! Listen, neither you have much time, nor do I. We both are such busy people. Yes, in these days our most ‘important’ things begin with online engagements. Especially, Instagram, then doing household chores, then online meetings, school, classes and what not! Surprising how much occupied we have become within these limitations of …

Reality Check Necessary in Life.

Life has new ways of teaching you new lessons. Otherwise, I’m telling you, we’d never learn. This winter, I’ve learnt a lot due to being a bit ill with a sore throat and that fall I had earlier. Life carries, on and that’s what you do, no matter what hurdles come your way. https://www.facebook.com/shireen.gheba/videos/pcb.3079092062124065/3079091302124141/?type=3&theater But. …