Salaams to all! Listen, neither you have much time, nor do I. We both are such busy people. Yes, in these days our most ‘important’ things begin with online engagements. Especially, Instagram, then doing household chores, then online meetings, school, classes and what not! Surprising how much occupied we have become within these limitations of …
Goodbye past, welcome future!
Getting back to a new ‘normal’ life: After fifty four days of Food drive during the lock down, I’ve realized, we are here for the long haul. Better get back to the ‘new normal’ life. What is ‘new normal’? Well, our lives, actually. I’m glad people are getting married, (since deaths are taking place anyway! …
Twenty-first April 2020, Iqbal and My Self.
Salaams to all! How is life these days? How are you adapting to your new life? Believe me, I was actually looking forward to this lock down. (What more can an artist or writer want?) Previously,great writers would go into the woods and lock themselves up in a cabin for days to get that artistic …
Lock-down and Food Drive.
Salaams to Everyone! How are you faring so far? I’m sure most of you are doing well, in spite of all the apprehensions. It is almost a month since the lock down happened in Pakistan. It is not that bad here, as the grocery shops, chemists, fruit and vegetable shops are open. So, basic necessities …
Abdul Rahim my cook, my strength
Salaams Everyone! Today, I’m sad because I lost my cook Abdul Rahim, last year. He died exactly one month after my father last year on on Friday, March 22nd 2020. He took care of all the guests who kept coming for afsose and condolences for my father. Then he left our world too. Joined me …
Crazy Corona Virus Situation
The current scenario of battling with the Corona Virus and holding on to our sanity; it is vital to realize all blessings and stay positive.
Waliya and Faizan’s Nikah
Hello Everyone! I’m back, after a longer break than usual. So, most of you know why, it was due to nikah ceremony of my youngest daugher, Waliya. Nikah is the actual marriage contract or certificate. I’ll give a little insight into the concept of it, for those who live in a different world from ours. …
Love my Followers
Assalam-o-Alaikum, Everyone! This post is dedicated to each of you, who read my blog posts, and follow me on Instagram and Facebook. Most of you are young and bubbling or ever green – like myself! 😉 Well, since I have friends and associates of all age groups, here is a typical remark I come across …
Reality Check Necessary in Life.
Life has new ways of teaching you new lessons. Otherwise, I’m telling you, we’d never learn. This winter, I’ve learnt a lot due to being a bit ill with a sore throat and that fall I had earlier. Life carries, on and that’s what you do, no matter what hurdles come your way. But. …