Returning to ‘normal’ life after a year and a half, is an interesting experience. I’m getting back to my old life again with shopping, movies, parties and held my first Shireen’s Studio Event after Covid19, recently too. So, I’m getting back to ‘normal’. Even though it would have been different, anyways, but this life now is even more different than ever before. I’ve realized, that it’s a ‘new normal’. One needs to be much more focused, otherwise, this ‘normal’ life can just drain us completely.
Watch out for these:
Forget about what others are doing, first one has to sort out one’s own self. I did a lot more reading before, now the smart tv takes over most of my hours of the day. If I’m watching those amazing motivational speeches, with breakfast, then its fine. But one also ends up with some crappy stuff too, if one isn’t careful.
Social Media Has Taken Over:
It is possible that in my new normal life, without doing jobs, I’m more into my Instagram than before, but you’ll have to agree, we are making a difference to people’s lives through it. You, and I are helping people face the current inflation by distribution of daily free meals. Together we have done many medical cases, where we give donation to genuine cases. Then of course, the bridal projects. You bring me genuine cases, send me your beautiful pre-loved clothes for the brides. I buy the dinner sets and kitchen sets for them through your zakat. Then, I distribute these to the girls recommended and brought by you all. So, we do full justice to our time online, by making a difference in lives of underprivileged people.
Its taking over my life! I barely get any time for my own projects. Specially my books, and my paintings. Barely I get the time to write my blog posts.
So, how does one deal with all this?
I’m sure that you too are finding out how much these distractions of the phone, are killing our time and output in general. What to do?
Better Self-Management is the Key.
Okay, so I’m thinking we can do it with a plan for every hour of the day already fixed. Only then one can avoid getting distracted. So, even when one does get distracted, one can quickly return to the priorities of that hour. This is possible by making a weekly plan for activities for the day, as they do in organizations where we work.
Here are a few tools:
Weekly/Monthly Plan:
Both are important. The weekly plan is here, and the monthly plan is here. Actually, an annual plan too, which you can find here; only then your work can be effectively done.
Making a weekly plan every Sunday is the most effective way.
Tools to help you on a daily basis
A few dirty tricks you need to play on yourself which work.
Putting Phone on Airplane Mode:
I’ve grown to love it. When I’m going to the office, I put the phone on airplane mode and that’s when some work does get done.
Train Staff to Not Disturb:
What’s the use of having a staff, if they have no consideration for our involvement in our work? They need to not only understand this, but to take care of things that distract us when we are busy. Was it just last week when I went to a restaurant, The Second Cup where I wrote so easily. It was an expensive milkshake which I had to take, (I can get better ones at home!) Just to pay for that peace. It came to my mind, that why can’t I get this peace at home?
Unexpected happenings at home:
Too many things disturb me at home. Like my stupid Duchess (cocker spaniel) barking her head off in the next room right now, or my batman telling me that lunch is served, (and I like to spend this time with my mother.) The woman who dropped in this morning and took away at least an hour, wanting medical help. The gardener, who needed my attention to guide him with the new vegetable garden we are making. Or the text, asking me to go to the bank at 2.30 pm today for something. Or, my lovely daughter dropping in unexpectedly this morning, so I was torn between my work and giving her time. So, after a short while I had to ask her to let me pay attention to my work. She understands.
Perhaps, life is what we make of it in spite of these happenings, you think none of these things happened to all those great people out there? They had ways of dealing with these. I’m sure having a routine helped. Dropping somethings, must have helped too.
Shift Work According to Requirement:
All my work life, I wrote my articles at night. I did jobs in schools, had rest, walk and family time in evenings. Wrote or painted at night, (after kid’s bedtime.) I was used to writing between 10.00 pm and 1.00 am. Then I’d sleep and go to school for teaching in morning.
Noting Time Sappers:
It is vital to note the time sappers in our lives, and deal with them effectively. Phone: Scrolling, answering comments, calls, getting side tracked: Keep a time limit to each. Unexpected guests, people who walk into your routine, regardless of your priorities, need to be told off.
Energy wasters:
Lots of things we do, waste our energy so much that when we do start working, we can’t do it for long. Our energy has been sapped already. Having fewer things, simplifying our lives and our wardrobes will make a difference. Meet fewer people, talk to fewer people, and shop online.
Cut the Crap
Minimalism is important not only with the things in our homes, but also people, activities and habits in our lives. Just learn how to cut the crap that is draining our lives.
Stay blessed, my dear Reader. 😊