My visit to Tacoma Art Museum near Seattle, WA, USA.

My visit to Tacoma Art Museum near Seattle, WA, USA.


Checking out online before choosing which gallery to visit is a good way to know how to find what suits you. I watched the video of the Tacoma Art Museum and loved it. Tacoma is 45 miles from Seattle, the city is a harbor and very scenic. Most museums are located near each other, quite close to the entrance of the city. TAM suited my requirement to see paintings of Native AmericansĀ  as well as to see contemporary art of America. It also boasted having the famous Seattle glass pieces as well as some sculptures. The best part was that it had no nudes as we know them. Though I love European art, however the profusion of female nudes in it, is not something that Iā€™d like to see. I believe it is not respectful to a woman or girl.Ā Ā So, this museum was the best: its size was just right, so it wasnā€™t tiring at all.Ā  The displays had a bit of everything. Most importantly, the staff was very helpful and welcoming.Ā  It was decent in every way. In fact I loved my trip there. So, Iā€™ll just leave you to pictures I took.

Native American art

  • 20161102_15045820161102_15052220161102_150550-220161102_150728-220161102_15074320161102_15080420161102_150841-220161102_15090620161102_151015-220161102_151021
  • Sculpture.
  • 20161102_151413-320161102_15141820161102_15145520161102_15150120161102_15205520161102_153346-8img-20161102-wa0013
  • Contemporary Art:
  • Last three sculptures above also are from the ‘contemporary section’, and here are the paintings from contemporary art in USA today:


  • School displays in corridors.
  • Opinion of people who visited about the works of art.

Some exhibits of glass pieces which are famous in Seattle


This ended my visit to the museum which I really found a very well rounded one. The art shop and restaurant gave the visitors an opportunity to buy some souvenirs from the Museum and relax and have a cup of coffee as well.

I’d recommend this place to anyone going to Seattle or living nearby.


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