by Usman and his friends – and how we can help them achieve their goal.
While Facebook is the bane of all jokes, yet its usefulness cannot be denied. There are many youngsters who have left it and gone on to Instagram and other greener pastures. – Hopefully those pastures have less of the ‘old cronies’ like myself in them! Anyhow, since I followed the youth on Instagram, I was approached by Usman. He said, ‘I felt I had to contact you as you seem to be the kind of person who could support us. I felt very humbled in front of all that he has achieved. Anyhow, I offered to go over to his school and see what it is all about.
They have built a school for poor street children. They pay the rent for it and give them uniforms, books and have provided teachers for them. These young people have actually taken the children off the streets and given them something to be proud of, an education. The children are not only getting educated but also are getting ‘tarbiyat’ or grooming for a better life ahead.
I had promised to visit but my life kept getting in between, finally I did it on February 13th, 2018, when it was raining like anything, and I had to dash to another meeting.
It was raining cats and dogs as I drove over, I was invited to drive inside the premises to save me from having to walk in the driving rain. I had expected to find very few children there, but to my happy surprise the classes were quite full.
As the weather asked for it, I had taken samosas for the entire school. It was a good way to meet the children, and offer them a little treat also. You will notice they are having the samosas as they sit in class, in a very well behaved manner. I visited each class;
There are four classes here and only three class rooms available. So, two classes are in one of the larger rooms. I can imagine how hard it must be for the teachers to manage the children and the studies. The visit of the washrooms was nice too, as these were all clean. Yet, they need wash basins for hand washing properly.
I had met the teachers, earlier, when I had gone there after school timings. I had a chat with them too. I found them devoted and committed. I won’t even tell you what their pays are. At least they are still going to teach, in spite of the low pays. But, you see, that is all the ‘management’ can afford right now. Even with this situation, the hundred and fifty students are being taught by five teachers, and there is one maid to take care of the children, and one admin officer.
That makes up the whole lot. The monthly running costs are over Rs.80,000 per month, which is being dealt with through donations alone.
The owners did this work while studying. Now, there is one person less, as he is moving to America. I know, that young man will be thinking of these children there too. But now, there is need for another person to do the needful. Against all the odds these young people are working to keep this school active.
The phone number of Usman is : +923345422147. In Pakistan you dial: 03345422147. I’m sure you can give any type of donation that you can afford right now. If nothing else, how about just paying a small amount here, instead of partying this weekend? Another good option is to donate here to give a ‘sadqa-e-jaria’ in memory of a loved one who is in the next world right now. On the ‘barsi’ of your loved ones, please donate to a school or give your charity for any organization like Edhi’s. In this way you can console your own soul, by giving to the living who desperately need our help now.
The School has Usman Khan as Chairman, Riffat Naz (Vice Chairman) Hasan Naseem (Finance director), Ibrahim Kausar (Media and Marketing Director), Saima Omer (General Secretary), Zahid Mehmood (School Coordinator), Sharjeel Hashmi (Team Coordinator.)

I’ve checked their files. Each child has one, with his examination sheets being there along with the record of the child. All the accounting is done above board and it is all transparent.
Why I went there was because it is nearby, in E-11. It is actually, alittle on outer skirts of this sector but certainly easily accessible.
Do, pop in some time, to see what I’m talking about. Please do contribute in any way you can, by volunteering to teach, or provide books or pay fees of some children. Any help would make a great difference.
Right now, they need a contribution of two lakh rupees to pay for construction of two class rooms: One for class five; Also, one more room for the class which has to share its space with another one. This is urgently needed now.
As I was interviewing Usman, another person was brought there by a bearded gentleman who is husband of the maid in the school. His name is Sher Khan. His children are studying here too, and his wife works here. He is full of praise for this school.
Recently, there was a tree plantation day which was celebrated by Usman who helped the children plant trees in their school.

Even if we cannot do such great things ourselves, we can at least pitch in to help others who are fulfilling our dreams, while we are too busy right now pursuing our own pursuits!
Frankly, I feel extremely hopeful when I meet such wonderful and inspiring personalities who are doing such great things at this age. We will surely be blessed by blessing such honest and hardworking individuals. 🙂