Every few years, life changes, and with those changes, another ‘normal’ becomes a part of your life. Isn’t that so? First it takes some time to adjust to the changes, and then it all becomes ‘normal’. Once you’ve faced it, you learn to adjust. Soon you even start enjoying it.
Covid19 norms:
You are thinking that I’m talking about this Corona virus situation. Yes, it is about Covid19 too. It started with ‘two weeks and another two weeks, and it went on and on and on. Here, we are at the end of a year with it. Suddenly, you realize this is the new ‘normal’. Mostly tucked inside our homes, or going out with masks and sanitizers. Yes, this is our new normal. Scary. The news all round us keeps giving us the jitters. We are learning to go about our lives breaking all previous norms, and cultural ceremonies, covering milestones and carrying on. Yes, by now, we call it ‘normal’.
Life changing pattern normal:
If you look back you realize that in life as you grow up, and grow out of different phases of life, you have to learn to make a new ‘normal’ life once again. It happens differently for each one of us; childhood, teens, college and university life, jobs, marriage, kids. Your life changes and so do those of your family members. You keep evolving into new scenes, and adjusting. The ‘normal’ keeps changing too. It isn’t just Covid19, it is life. It changes.
What about this current ‘normal’?
Well, in my case, for instance, my youngest daughter got married in July, 2020. So, I’m adjusting to a new normal in my life these days. I’ve found out that when it is a new normal which is part of a natural process then it comes with a sense of relief and happiness too. It is an achievement of a lifetime dream for a parent, to be able to see your child get married and start her own independent life. I’m sure it is the same when your son moves out to start a job. It means that you were successful as a parent.
Celebrate it!
Of course you miss your child, but that doesn’t mean she can’t go on with her life to build her own home and life. It just means that now you do not have her responsibility any more, and you can make a new normal in your own life. Enjoying life at a slower pace, or moving on to doing things full time, which previously you had held back. Whatever your case might be, but it is about being mindful about what is your new normal now.
Note your new advantages:
Doing things that one always wanted to do. Well, frankly, when my children were coming into my life, my mother had told me, ‘carry on with your life, including your child in it.’ She didn’t know how many things I got into my life, along with my children! Painting, teaching, writing for papers, and so on. So, I kept shifting my hobbies to accommodate my children, but I never gave them up. This is why when my children moved on to their lives, I’ve got a life to turn to.
I know, many of you gave up your hobbies, on the way. Well now is the time to take them up again. If you haven’t got any hobbies, start a new one. Now a days, sky is the limit.
Learn new ways to enjoy life:
Remember, you are no longer sixteen years old. (Even if you are that, in your mind!) So, be careful. By now we are skilled people and know a lot about many things. It is a time to share our knowledge and experiences if there is anyone interested.
You deserve to pamper yourself too:
As a woman or a man, in our lives we are mostly tuned to doing things for our family. That is very good. But, at the same time, we must now give more time to ourselves too. (I’m telling this to myself, as I’ve ignored myself too much.) Honestly, I’m wondering if this blog post is for you or for me!
Cherish this new normal:
None of the previous ‘normal’ phases lasted for long. Nor will this one, so we better cherish this ‘new normal life’ for as long as it lasts. Let us hope we can make the best of it too, as we did with the previous phases in our lives. Let us build memories for ourselves, which we can cherish later.
Need for more food drives:
Presently, my ‘new normal’ means feeding at least one to two hundred persons daily. I’m loving every minute of it. All I know is that I began these food drives due to the Covid19. Almost three hundred of you helped me in these food drives and charity works. We have spent over three million rupees in charity work this year.
I’ve just heard that more and more people are going to need help with food provisions. So, no matter what you decide to do in your ‘new normal’ of life, please do share your food in your own community.
Meanwhile, stay blessed, and protected. 😊
So well put together. We are going to experience empty nesting in our life and for that one should improvise their current lifestyle.
I love travelling and me and my hubby are looking up to save money and travel the world once in a while. In sha Allah
I loved renovating my home so thinking of coming into construction or renovations.
Absolutely right you are, one should do what they love or wanted to do.
Loads of love for inspiring so many of us. ❤️🌹