So, I can’t believe that I’ve been here for over three weeks now. It went in a whirlwind; the last two weeks of Ramzan were left, when I came on 7th of April, Eid was on 21st. I kept my fasts for two weeks here in Halifax.
Ramzan always has a different connotation to life, living and perspective. Loved the fact that unlike last year, (due to my illness,) when I wasn’t well enough to fast, this time I could fast easily. It was a special pleasure having Sehri and Iftaris together with my daughter Nadiya, son-in-law Haaris and three-year-old Nyra. Especially, enjoyed the deep conversations with my Haaris during our Sehris and later on. There were times it was till dawn.

The View from Apartment:
I’ve got to mention the view from my children’s apartment. It is awesome. The different moods of the Atlantic Ocean are visible from it’s balcony. All day you can watch it and enjoy the changing moods of Atlantic ocean and weather. Their apartment is a three-bed apartment where they have made the third bedroom into office of my Haaris. He was the one who had come to pick me at 1.30 am at the airport.
My social media presence:
Writing here for my blog posts on my website, is a tricky thing now. I’ve been sharing the trip as it was happening, on Instagram. So if you are one of my followers there, you have been with me throughout. Many of you are enjoying my trip, and are feeling as if you are here with me. It is fun. I have also shared most of the pics and videos on my Facebook page.
However, I’m keenly aware that many of my followers are not active on Facebook and do not use Instagram at all. So, that is why my blog posts hold a special meaning for such followers. Of course, you all know that Instagram and Facebook cannot match the details that I share here with you all. This is why many of you are my subscribers.
So, now I’m writing after three weeks here, wondering how much you have seen. To make my life even more complicated, this time, I’m hoping to share the trip on YouTube also. (Good luck to me!)
As I’m writing this blog post, my older laptop (on which I upload my YouTube videos,) just fell after being pushed by my grandkid accidentally. My breathing did stop, but I found the battery which had fallen out of it, and all is good and in place now. (God bless the manufacturers for making laptops so shock proof.)
Wait till you hear about my YouTube channel story.
The suspense in my YouTube Channel story:
You won’t believe what happened. A couple of days ago, I mistakenly deleted (forever) all my videos from my YouTube channel. Yes. Actually! – That is a big one – I was trying to upload a video I found in my newer laptop. (Yes, I’ve brought both my laptops to Halifax!) the newer one bought from USA in 2019 of Dell, for my blog posts on my website.
The older one, Acer (2013), is the one which I use for uploading videos on my YouTube Channel. Somehow that is how it has worked for me. So, I was busy trying to upload a video I found on the Dell one, and during that process …. It seems the other posts also got linked to it; when I was trying to delete the thumbnail pic. I ended up deleting all my videos on it!
It was two years of work deleted with a click!
Thank God I have all the videos. So, I just have to upload all of them all over again. My poor confidence was quite shattered. It was a real blow. Couldn’t understand how it happened!!! But I’ve got to understand and learn my lessons, real fast. Can’t afford such mistakes.
That too on top of the fact that the second interview of my daughter Waliya was uploaded by me here in Halifax. It was going so well and had over 17 k views within six days. I was thrilled. Nazar lag gai! (This is what that infamous evil eye is all about!) Now, I’ll be starting all over again with the likes…. (there had been over 53k likes…)
Lessons learnt?
Blows are a part of life:
I’ve learnt a lot from this experience.
- Avoid work during holiday. (Also because working in my own office is always better.)
- If you have to do it then time it better, (not when you are about to go for an outing! Do it early morning,)
- Do it at an exclusive time and place. Go out to Starbucks or some place to work; (Or work on laptop when everyone is asleep like I’m doing now, or late at night when everyone is asleep).
- Here, there is a space in this building where I can easily work. (I should have done that.)
- But most importantly, avoid working -that is why you take holidays!
- I should have scheduled all these videos from Islamabad.
- Problem was that my charity work was going at full swing before coming, due to Ramzan, right till the last day. That must never happen again.
- Stop all charity work a week before the trip begins.
- Last week is needed to concentrate on personal matters.
It is okay to get a blow, if you have learnt your lesson from it. Hopefully, I’ve learnt it.
Back to my holiday:
Throughout my time here, both my son-in-law Haaris and daughter Nadiya managed to give me the time of my life. At times I felt as if they were the parents, and I was the kid. They would zip up my jacket every time I went out into the cold. Worried that I may get sick. They would get me anything I wanted. Prepared such delicious meals for me, Haaris made very tasty Risoto, the day I arrived, I had it for the first time. Nadiya made several recipes from my recipe book ( I had started writing that book when she was three months old.) She made the chicken roast and the strawberry pie which turned out delicious. Her achar gosht was out of this world.
They have been real gems.

My time with my grand-child Nyra:

It was really priceless being with her at three-and-a-half years. She speaks in such a charming way, after a week or so, I started understanding what she is saying. Previously, Nadiya would be my interpreter. She would even check me if my jacket wouldn’t be fully zipped up when we were outside. Just loved having her to cuddle and hug. Our laughing bouts were also something else. Since Nadiya is very strict about screen time and taking sweets, so we had to reduce those to a minimum. My baby knew I had chocolates to share ????. We had a lot of fun. Of course, my crocheting and knitting clothes for her seven toys was much enjoyed. Also, the three sweaters that I made for her, she wore them all the time.

Over one thousand lakes:

Can you believe it? It actually has them! I’ve just been to about six of them and seen many more. The water is crystal clear, and the surrounding areas beautifully kept. I believe there is a humungous fine for littering here, that is why every place is kept so spic and span. So natural and beautiful.

Trip to Peggy’s Cove:

The trip was so much fun, it was my third trip there. The rocks, views and location is so different and beautiful. The restaurant on the location has food which is out of this world: the fish and chips and the blueberry pie served with ice-cream was to die for. Just loved it all. Of course the trip includes the beautiful lakes and views along the way also. I’m telling you, it is a bit of heaven. (Allah Mian will have a time trying to make a heaven more beautiful than Nova Scotia.)
In short, I’m having such a lovely time here. ????
Keep visiting your children, when they grow up and fly off. We need that bonding to continue with them.
Stay blessed my wonderful Readers.