Conventional cancer treatment is very expensive, and very unpleasant to go through. The treatment itself can feel as if it will kill you! Still, as I write, it is the most effective treatment for cancer. Hopefully, in time, some new scientific invention will get rid of the chemotherapy. However, not everyone can afford this treatment, (horrible as it is.) Also some patients cannot endure it, or are over age for it. Most people in Pakistan, actually cannot afford it. This blog post is for all those who need to avoid the allopathic treatment, and fall back on another means of treatment. Here are some, I came across during my journey.
What I’ve shared below isn’t from my personal experience, but it is from meeting the individuals mentioned or through reliable resources. However, I cannot claim to success of any of these methods, even though I’m narrating facts here. I do not take responsibility for anything written here, as it isn’t my personal experience. However, it is from personal observation.
Alternative methods of cancer treatment:
During my journey, I’ve come across a few persons, who didn’t take the conventional allopathic treatments, and recovered from cancer, in spite of it. So, all these persons are in Pakistan. I met them quite by chance, but I personally know of their successful recovery from cancer.
Hakeem who lives in a place beyond Kalaam, in Swat:
My friend Tanveer’s Khala (aunt) got breast cancer in her late seventies. So, they said she cannot take chemo. She received treatment from this hakeem and is fine now. The treatment in her case lasted two months, and another month of special diet restrictions. She is fine now. He is very particular about the diet restrictions, and she followed all his instructions. Along with it, she was given a very small amount of medication in powder form, which was put in tiny amounts, in some specific food, to be taken daily. He would give ten days’ treatment, then again you had to collect for the next ten days.
Here is a video I found on YouTube about this hakeem who is genuinely very good.
When she went to meet the hakeem, there were people from all over the world there, in that remote village. So, this khala of my friend, made an arrangement with a wagan driver who went there, from Rawalpindi, so he would bring the follow-up medications from the hakeem.
It has now been around two years, since she got her treatment and she is fine.
Yoga and meditation:
Fareeha Faisal from Lahore was a co-speaker at an online talk with cancer survivors with students of a medical institution in Lahore. I found out that she had treated her cancer with yoga and meditation. She got her cancer (a different one from mine,) and it needed very little chemo, so she didn’t lose her hair. She had just been married a month when she was diagnosed with cancer. It is now fifteen years, and she is leading a normal life. She has continued with her yoga and meditation.
Through diet and CBD
When I was in the middle of my cancer treatment, a family friend brought his cousin Babar Qureshi to visit me. He said, his cancer had spread all over his body, and the oncologists had given up, when he took control of his own treatment. He left all conventional treatments, and focused on complete special diet which included an intake of legumes and vegetables only, with selected dry fruits and fruits. No dairy products including milk, cheese, eggs. No roties, bread or naans. He started losing weight and getting better. He also makes CBD oil and takes a few drops of it, along with his restricted diet.

Recently I read this book, The Well-lived Life by Gladys McGary. MD in which she writes, how in her sixties, she had got cancer and cured it purely through restricted diet of legumes and veggies with nuts mainly. She is a holistic medicine practitioner and knew what she was doing. She has written this book at the age of 102 years. When she was in her nineties, she again got cancer, but that time she had also used conventional methods of allopathy for treatment. She felt that she wouldn’t be able to succeed with diet restrictions alone, at that age. So, she cured herself the second time through allopathic treatment.
Combination of Allopathy and Homeopathy:
During the course of my cancer journey I was approached by Brig (Rtd.) Hameed, though email, he was suffering from Liver cancer. During his treatment he approached Imran Uppal, (the top most homeopathic doctor in Islamabad) and took his medication along with the chemo. The medication helped with negation of side-effects of chemo which is hair loss and damaged nails. He showed me his nails and I could see he had normal hair too. (He said, he did lose some of his hair and nails did get slightly affected, but it was nothing compared to the normal affects of it.)
Here is a post shared by my eldest daughter Nataliya Khan. She did a lot of research on products that can help a patient in different ways during treatment.
So, these are four ways to deal with cancer which are different from the conventional cancer treatment of chemo, surgery and radiation. A
Cancer-fighting foods.
Note: this is a preliminary blog post. I’ll share more, as I receive more information.
Cryo Treatment & hospital in China:
Recently, I’ve found out how hospitals in China treat cancer by freezing the tumor and then removing it without chemotherapy.
A specialized hospital for treating all types of tumors, especially cancer. The hospital in China is called (Fuda) in the city of Guangzhou in the South of China. Qatar Airways and Emirates operate almost daily to this city of Guangzhou. They have performed almost 5000 operations, and God made them all successful, by freezing the tumor and removing it without using chemicals (chemo),
You can go to the website of Fuda Hosptial: www.fudahospital.com
website is available in several languages.
Also you can call Fuda hospital phone number:
Their method is to freeze the tumor and remove it without chemotherapy.
Other places for Cyro treatment:
The above link is of Cyro treatment of selected cancers in Cleveland, USA. So, one can do research and explore around you, wherever you are. There are alternative cancer treatments which you can explore.
Point to note:
Whatever alternative method you choose, always check out the doctors, hospitals and specially at least one or two patients treated there. Naturally the hospital and staff will always paint a rosy picture. It is best when you know a patient from there, having a cancer similar to yours.
Remember, that you will be fighting this illness with your mind and body. Do, what is comfortable for you and your caregivers, and something that seems logical.
Stay blessed, and wishing you a speedy recovery. 🙂