Salaams Everyone,
Isn’t it great that after going through this horrid Covid19 (and we are still in it,) a semblance of ‘normal’ life has returned? It feels good to see more cars on the roads. More shops are open and for more hours. Schools shall be opening soon also.
Was that due to these reasons:
Pakistan’s miraculously fewer death-rate:
Allah has been specially kind to Pakistan. We all were so blessed to be among countries with the least death toll. Awesome. Perhaps it was due to these points:
- The prayers of Maulana Tariq Jameel, and rest of us.
- Our efforts to help the underprivileged ones in our communities through the length and breadth of Pakistan, by giving them food and rations to build their resistance. Many people went to homes of underprivileged families to give rations. We reached out to our skilled workers like electricians, plumbers, carpenters, laborers, upholstery and curtain makers, to give them rations.
- Many of us gave full pays to our staff even when they worked for half number of days or not at all.
- Specially the devoted work of our doctors who worked 24/7 to save lives. The army officers and soldiers who built and worked at the Covid19 centers built in different parts of the country, deserve the same recognition.
- Following of SOPs at banks, airports, shops etc.
- Use of online jobs and communication kept us all going.
- Many were affected, but many changed tracks and found other sources of work and income.
- The greatest reason was the amount of sadqa and zakat that was given by Pakistanis in Pakistan and around the world.
- By nature Pakistanis are very caring people, I’m sure that boosts one’s resistance.
- Pakistani food contains spices like ginger, garlic, turmeric. Also, almost everyone has knowledge of using herbs properly to increase resistance.
- Every Pakistani has had injections of BCG, having had malaria etc, and living in unhygienic conditions also builds resistance. 😉
- Most of all the grace and mercy of Allah.

Sadly, losing precious lives:

We did lose some loved ones among us, which was horrific. It felt sad not to be able to go for condolences. Sons felt broken hearted due to not being able to give a shoulder to their mothers, on way to graveyards. That has been a horrific fact of these times, which makes us follow SOPs more diligently; Knowing how horrifying this virus can be and how terrifying its consequences are.
The Covid19 didn’t spare old or young. One heard of thirty-five year old young men losing lives, just as ninety-year old friend of my mother. So, it has been a very sad time for all of us.
Life events took place:
Realizing that this scenario is here to stay, many of us went ahead with our life events; I married off my daughter with just fourteen of us here. We did these events, while sacrificing our personal dreams and wishes, in order to help others move on with their lives. Many marriages have taken place in a quiet manner. Many also realized, how much easier this kind of simple wedding actually was!
There were births of babies and such happy times also.
Internet facilities:

I’m just so grateful that all this happened during the internet times, so we didn’t feel lost. We could just pick up the phone and talk to whoever we wanted, anywhere in the world.
In the beginning, I thought the internet would crash. But thankfully it didn’t, and it took on the added load. It kept our morale high.
Many businesses thrived:
- The postal service, was happy bringing our shopping to the doorstep.
- Online jobs thrived.
- Schools carried on with zoom classes.
- Exams didn’t take place! 😊 Students got promoted without exams. Wow.
- Companies adapted to making masks and special clothing for doctors in hospitals.
- Motorbike riders happily took your parcel to many parts of the city. (Many of my bridal project clothes came that way.)
- Donations increased, as people gave so much sadqa.
Build fresh memories:

What happens is that after a life event which usually involves a major change in ones’ life, for example loss of job, marriage, addition in family members, baby’s arrival or even a death in family. Anything. There is bound to be a kind of a shock afterwards, in the sense that there is a big change in the normal routine. A kind of a void.
So, while going about your normal life, make some changes in your home style too. Add on to the changes by fulfilling some unfulfilled dreams of your own. Make some exciting new stuff in your life. This will help you in adjusting to the new life.
Instead of looking back, you will be looking forward.
Accept, be grateful to Allah, and move on:

That’s all you need to do, just make a reality check of your life now. Start learning and doing some new things, bring new persons into your life. Let go of those who have moved on to a new phase in their lives. Get involved in some new activity like reiki, yoga, exercise, travel or anything like that.
Stay blessed and protected! 🙂

If I may add few more thing with your permission.
Role of our forces. My youngest brother Ali is commanding his unit in Karachi and the way they build quarantine in expo centre in record time. The way he sat in the operational room completely cut off from his family.
I must say the environment in which we are living is off course not very ideal but it has made our immune system لکڑ ھزم پتھر ھزم
My dearest Kiran,
Thank you so much for adding your information which is so pertinent too. Point is noted, you have added to my knowledge. My prayers for protection of your whole family, including this amazing brother of yours.
Love and hugs.