– I love it when a deep point is simplified!
The other day, I saw this video of a sermon by Tariq Jamil. It has the secrets of success in both worlds. It is based on the sayings of Holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It gave me the answer to the secret of success of my parent’s lives. They’ve never been into religious rituals. So, I’ve always wondered what it was. Listening to this sermon by Maulana Tariq Jameel made me realize the true secret of success in their lives.
There are just four points to be kept in mind, and if you do these, then success in both worlds is guaranteed.
These are:
- Truthfulness (Sucha hona) : To tell the truth in all circumstances and always.
- Never being deceitful (Dhoka na daina): Never cheating others or being dishonest to anyone, specially those with whom you have dealings.
- To be of pleasant disposition (Khushakhlaq hona): Being pleasant, kind and nice to people around you, whether it is a boss or subordinate. It could be your domestic help, friend, relative or anyone.
- Honest earnings (Halal ki kamai ):To earn through honest means which are beneficial to all.
In the case of my parents, it wasn’t as if my Dad didn’t get any opportunities for dishonesty, it is the fact that there was no question of it. My mother always supported him in his decision. Even though this meant she wouldn’t be able to afford to meet her parents. Yet my mother always supported my father in his honesty and she too was always conscious of it. This is why even today after over thirty six years after retirement from the army, my father enjoys great respect and regard from the officers there. There might be a lot of corruption in this country, but also there is great regard for those who are honest. Naturally, there are many completely honest and incorruptible people here too!
Living on honestly earned means, and giving the same to one’s family and children is the most important.
I’d like you to ponder over each of these four points. Don’t say, ‘they can’t work in Pakistan as it is so corrupt.’ My parents have followed these rules, and I also try my best to do the same. I have many friends and their families who stick to these rules too.
I can tell you it works.
No one can stop you from doing the right thing. Yes, they can make it difficult. But you see, in life, we are bound to have difficulties. Today, at ninety-one years of age, I watch my dad sleeping so well. It is the same with my mother. Both weren’t much into saying prayers or the usual rituals of religion. But they religiously followed each of these rules.
So, now I find out the secret of their success.
If you have read Napoleon Hill’s, ‘Grow Rich with Peace of Mind.’ Then you will know that he says the same. To earn as much as you want, but do it by honest means. Not by exploiting or cheating others. The source of your income should be beneficial to others. When you look up this book online, you will find that Napoleon Hill wrote several more books on growing rich e.g. Think and Grow Rich. He made many millionaires. However, he realized towards the twilight years of his life, that all that wealth is worthless without peace of mind. So, at the age of ninety he wrote this book which contains what he learnt in seventy years of working with money, that it has to be honestly earned and must not be gained by exploiting anyone. He was against gambling or any games of chance, or drugs etc.
It is the same with the book ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad,’ by Robert T. Kiyosaki. If you read between the lines, you will notice, that it is all about being honest when you earn money. Also, it is important to work for others and serve them for no payment.
For today, I think this thought is powerful enough. We need to incorporate that in all aspects of our lives and in all the roles that we play.
It is simple and doable and very powerful.
Yes, we all would stay blessed in both worlds with these four points alone. Thank you Maulana Tariq Jameel for highlighting this saying of Holy Prophet (PBUH) which teaches the four ways to live in a nutshell.
Note: photographs of books from Amazon books. Other photographs taken by author, Nataliya and Waliya Najib.