Hi Everyone! The years are just swishing by, and here we are at the end of 2022. I hope it has been a good year for you. Even if it wasn’t, I’m sure you will find that many good things have happened in spite of the setbacks. We know that there is always some ‘ease, with every difficulty’. So, what am I trying to say? Its to find ways to use these last two weeks in a way, that prepares us for the next year. The entire rest of the world has the season’s holidays combining it with Christmas and New Year. We too, can take some days off, to celebrate the end of this year, and thank God for all His blessings showered on us this year.
You know my patterns by now, I like to think of things from these five angles: Physical, intellectual, social and emotional, spiritual and financial. Would you like to go over your year, from these aspects, too?
Here are some highlights from last two weeks.
As far as I’m concerned, this is how my year and last couple of weeks went:
It has been a year full of great blessings, with the completion of my cancer treatments in January and then continuation of the targeted therapy till August.
The side effects of chemo are also there, like my own hair has not grown as I’d like it, so far. Also, my wig is a joy to wear. I hope that through my candid sharing of my wigs, now there won’t be that big a stigma on anyone wearing it. There are many folks who need it, who have other illnesses, or just naturally thin hair. It definitely feels great, and you are not suffering the hair transplant stuff.
There are other side effects, like neuropathy, muscular spasms and tinnitus. I’m learning to live with these, in the hope of seeing these disappear within these coming two to three years. It is believed that it takes this much time to get rid of it, (or get used to it fully.) I tell myself, that since these side-effects are not inhibiting, and very livable, so its okay.

My uncle Nawaz said something great, ‘Don’t let the side-effects of chemo or the treatment, pull you down.’ Yes, one needs to get re-motivated again and again through this journey. I’ve seen it helps to keep oneself involved in activities which boost you up.

Had my first follow up check up as mentioned here. Which has made the cancer journey worthwhile. All results were clear. 😊 Alhamdulillah!
All these physical issues become meaningless, when I’m attending these interesting events. So, I keep a balance and try to stay active and keep occupied in interesting activities.
Thankfully, I wrote plenty of blog posts to share my cancer journey. Along with these, I shared many aspects for my viewers on Instagram about this cancer survivor journey. I participated in many talks in different organizations. Adding lots of short videos in Urdu language, on how to avoid cancer, or when you get it, how to get out of it.

Happily, the work on my next publication is almost complete now: Allama Iqbal’s Message from the East. English translation by Hadi Hussain and illustrated and published by myself.

Really love working on such activities, where I am making my dreams come true. Love to meet successful personalities, and ask them how it works. (Good to know my brain still works after all those chemo therapies and treatments!)

Social and Emotional:
It has been a pleasure meeting my friends in Islamabad and Lahore. I also had the pleasure of meeting so many interesting personalities, due the talks I did in various organizations, including the first lady, Ms. Samina Alvi. Though by now, I’ve been feeling I know it all about cancer, I don’t. I learnt a lot through my visits and listening to specialist doctors, radiologists and even a male breast cancer patient.

Emotionally, all this makes one feel great.
Saying the five times prayers, and reading holy book always feels great. Most of all is one’s charity work. Thanks to my amazing followers, our charity work has gone without a hitch all year through. We did many bridal projects, medical projects and food drives continued every day throughout. It is because of my donors, that this work gets done at such a wonderful level. You all are amazing folks. We have donors from USA, UK, Australia and most cities of Pakistan. I make sure that these are given to deserving people.

You can’t imagine, how much these projects have helped the people from grass root level, who have been hit most by the price hikes.
Naturally, my financial state has come down to rock bottom low, due to the cost of my treatment. Yet I’m so grateful that I’ve not had to borrow or ask for any help and have managed it all myself with help from my family. (Of course, the financial help came from each of my precious daughters and mother, who insisted on doing it.)
The Turkish trip was a great holiday and boost for us. Naturally, it cost a lot, but it was definitely worth it. We all paid for ourselves, so it wasn’t a burden to anyone. I wrote about it here.
Find a little time, and fill up your basic form for income tax with data from July 2022 till December 2022. Save it on your laptop. So, this will reduce your income tax work next year by almost half.
The Nazar or Evil Eye concept.
Over-all I’d say, it has been an amazing year for me. I sit here cancer free and very active and happy. Oops! I pray it won’t get jinxed. But as my eldest daughter Nataliya says, why shouldn’t we share the happy things that happen in our lives. In our country, everyone is all about ‘nazar’ the evil eye; with the result you see everyone weeping and wailing all over the place.

Hardly anyone shares the good stuff that happens in their lives. Well, sharing such happy things gives hope to our viewers and readers. What’s bad about that? We all face so many things. Give a little sadqa or charity daily (to work out any apprehensions of evil eye, or things getting jinxed.) Then share the good, the happy, the bad and the ugly. Keep a balance.

My way to wrap up:
Sort out cupboards and drawers in our homes, and give away all extra stuff. (This can take about thirty minutes each day till end of year.) Each morning sort 2-3 drawers or cupboards. Give away the old, withered, ‘sentimental’ stuff, make space for fresh new stuff. So, by the end of these two weeks, items from 24-36 drawers/cupboards in bedrooms, kitchen and dining area will get sorted. This will help us face the coming year with clean and organized home. Giving away things for charity will definitely make us feel better.
Have a happy blast! Now, I wish a very happy seasons’ greetings to all. 😊

Just wanted to say you’re amazing!
Love you my childhood friend. (Bachpan say pachpan and beyond!)