Challenges Food for thought My Life

Why Food Drives….

 Salaams to all!

Listen, neither you have much time, nor do I. We both are such busy people. Yes, in these days our most ‘important’ things begin with online engagements. Especially, Instagram, then doing household chores, then online meetings, school, classes and what not! Surprising how much occupied we have become within these limitations of the lock down, or no lock down, when we have to save ourselves from Corona-infested-situations.

So, thanks for your time. Anyhow, as you know, if you are following my Instagram stories, I’ve stopped the Food Drive for a while. Also the donations too for a while. It is because most of the people whom we gave food to, have left Islamabad. It is normal. All of them, usually go home for Eid, then come back after taking a nice long break.


A much-needed break:

I also, have some sorting to do. It was no joke doing a sixty-three days’ food drive straight from March twenty-third till Eid day on May twenty-forth. Consistently, feeding mostly 300 to 500 persons per day, wasn’t easy, but very much worthwhile. In fact, one day we gave food for six hundred persons also.

Islam is all about sharing food:

If you notice, most Muslims are very hospitable. Pakistanis are the limit in this. I know if you ever go to a daily wagers’ home, he will present you with everything he has, and get more too. They will offer us their best crockery and place to be seated in. They will welcome us with warmth and gratitude.

So, this is the right time to share what we have with them. My close friend Seema shared an audio recording with me of an Aalim named Faisel Hayat. In short he said, if you want to know what Islam is, it is sharing your food with others. That is what Islam is. It is such a beautiful exchange of love and feelings of harmony.

Assurance of good health through food:

If a person and his family get at least one healthy meal a day, they would be in a better health status. This will increase their resistance against this deadly virus which hits the weaker humans. This was my main focus in giving meals daily during a time, when there was this lock down due to which a daily wager couldn’t hope for any work.

Rest assured, your donations are safe:

 A note to all the donors whose money is still with me, rest assured it is safe. It will be used for food, for perhaps wedding food for my bride’s projects, or someone else who is in great need.

My Reasons for helping the poor:

Pakistani construction workers work on bridge columns in Rawalpindi on June 3, 2014. The government is all set to present its second Federal Budget with an outlay of about 38 billion US dollar for Fiscal Year 2014-15 before the Parliament on June 3, Associated Press of Pakistan (APP) reports said. AFP PHOTO/Farooq NAEEM (Photo credit should read FAROOQ NAEEM/AFP via Getty Images)

There are many reasons which I need to share with you all. Reasons for helping the poor; these are multifaceted. The first and main reason is that if anyone of us ever needs help these people are always there to help us.

Women drivers:

We women drivers of Pakistan are so confident because they are always around anywhere, to help. I know, that if my car breaks down, they will go out of their way to help me. They will also refuse any cash that if I may offer to them for that help. Of course, I’ll try to give them, but mostly they’ll refuse.

In case of accidents:

Similarly, if you have followed the aircraft crash in Karachi, which took place just before Eid, the two men who came out alive were taken out, by the people of that area. I’d like to bet on it, that these were persons like these daily wagers who happened to be nearby. They are the kind of daredevils who would brave the smoke and flames to help out.

There are people who have said there was looting going on. Well, I’d like to say that the looters were looting, but the helpers were helping.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it was one of these people, who helped save the lives of the two survivors in the PIA plane crash last month.  It is because they are the most hardy people; they are unafraid and daring enough to go into falling debris and billowing smoke and fire, to save a life. (We, pampered people who are used to living in airconditioned cars and rooms are usually not the ones who would venture out into falling and burning debris of any sort!)

It is the same in case of an accident. They will react promptly to help, regardless of danger.

House moves:

I remember a time in Karachi, when we got a flat which was on second floor of a building. One man picked up our huge ‘fridge single handedly and walked up the steps to our floor! I was shocked. All his fellow helpers told me that he is very strong, he often does the toughest tasks. Yes, he was one of those daily-wagers. We have seen most of them help us out carrying heavy loads of our furniture etc.

Laborers for building-construction:

These daily wagers are the ones who are doing labor work in construction. No insurance. No security. Recently, one man died on duty. Nothing. I wonder what happened to his wife and children? I wonder. When this house I’m living in, was getting constructed, I was always curious to see the progress of the work. So, I’d keep going over to watch how much work was completed. Once, Nazir, was working on the ramp which I had got made at our entrance (I believe that is a must in all buildings for persons with special needs, etc.)

So, as I watched, a man standing next to him was mumbling something. I asked him what it was, he told me that Nazir got injured. I looked and he was busy with the drill with the slicing movement for some grinding work. I realized his foot was bleeding. I told Nazir to stop working, it was well past his work time already; and asked why didn’t he tell me? He said, ‘these things keep happening, this work has to get completed now.’ Finally, I convinced him, and took him to a nearby clinic. The lady doctor there needed to stitch up his wound. Both Nazir and his assistant were taking it all very lightly. They said, ‘this happens all the time….’ Adding, ‘kutch nahi hota.’ It is okay, ‘nothing happens’.

Domestic help:

Abdul Rahim was an expert cook. He would happily prepare murgh palao for distribution to the poor.

Many of them who are skilled end up as domestic help in homes. My cook and my maid were the ones who told me that they need no pay, and refused to take pay, when they saw me going through rough financial times, after the death of my husband. In fact, my cook would even pitch in with cash from his own side, and make food for the laborers working on our house, for sadqa for my husband, when he was ill with cancer, in hospital. I was living too far in Rawalpindi with my parents, to be able to give him cash at that time.( Of course I gave him later on.)

It is our time to reciprocate:

 So, now, they are jobless and don’t have the next meal.  They are threatened by Corona, and it is getting more deadly every day. So, by the same token, we too need to help them when they need our help.

Stay blessed and protected. 😊


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  1. Seriously inspired by your food drive and done it in my area too in lal kurtee
    May Allah accept all our efforts and ease everyone’s problem

    1. Shireen Gheba Najib says:


      This makes me feel so happy to know you did it there too! That is what all this is all about. 🙂

      Stay blessed, and keep blessing others.

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