Being good at Change Management
Food for thought Self enrichment

Being good at Change Management

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Aren’t my blogs turning into text books? I hope not! I have to be careful, I’ve been an educationist for too many years. My blog on transitional phases in life is actually all about change. One’s ability to do it well revolves around the skill in change management. As they say, the only constant thing in life these days is change!

So, how good are you at it?

At the end of my  blogs I give a few tips which we both know, are fine, but in order to succeed in change management, we need to be a bit more ‘professional’ – even in our personal lives.

I suppose one of the biggest and continuous changes I’ve experienced in my life were the constant house moves I’ve done. Twenty at least, these were done within around thirty years. Some moves were even within months of each other. The moment it was confirmed, I’d prepare a chart with a step by step SOP (yes, standard operational procedure) and put it up on the fridge or at our study-desk board. In that I’d have interpretations and targets to be achieved by each family member within the three phases of the move: Namely Phase I, Phase II and Phase III. (I had seen my husband using these terms during the PAF Exercises.) So, I incorporated those in the ‘Move’.

“You two are the only couple I’ve seen not fighting during a move.” Was a remark made by a neighbor of mine.  I just smiled in response. The fact is that fights occur due to misinterpreted and high expectations, or misunderstandings (I mean usually, unless intents are messed up!). Since everything was enumerated clearly, so there was no confusion. My husband also grew to depend on those plans of ours. Of course, it was all done with consultation of all family members.

It worked.

But we all know, change is not just from city to city or house to house. Its from one phase in life to another. It is from having a family member living with you and then moving to another world, leaving the rest to deal with this ‘change’ in their lives. It is so many of these things and more. How well we cope is by our faith and ability to laugh at challenges.

Humor is the main saving grace I believe. I’ve seen the funniest things happening in the most serious times. That’s life. Might as well enjoy these while we cry buckets during the stressful times.

Change always comes with its shiny and dark sides. Its up to us to know which one to enjoy and which one to try to ignore.

The best thing that takes us sailing through it  all is watching how we somehow managed to be in a better place at the end of it. Some kind of ‘happy ending’ can happen, usually. The best way is to be grateful and thankful for all the good parts. Like when things go wrong, how much people come to help us. Isn’t that awesome?

Making a conscious effort at:

  • Appreciating the good that happens ….  yes, counting ones’ blessings. ‘With every hardship is the presence of ease.’
  • Accepting the inevitable.
  • Patience, and going with the flow.
  • Helping others in need, no matter how much we ourselves maybe needing help .
  • Praying hard.
  • Being very organized, which includes detailed planning and implementation.
  • Particularly minding the sequence and timings involved.
  • Be happy and enjoy the process.

Your skills for change management needs to improve with each ‘change’. So, be alert and  make notes which could help you be ready for the next change. The better planning you do, the smoother you will get set into the new situation.

Stay blessed and have fun – no matter what! God is with you, so why worry?

My home in Wah..

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