It is past 12.00 am in Pakistan now. One by one each country of the world will enter 2021. The new year has begun. I’m feeling a bit emotional today, like on all New years. Somehow, one feels like making some promises to oneself. Yes, new year resolutions. Knowing fully well that like the last years’, these too will get jostled by the year’s own storms.
I don’t know why we expect the unexpected. A perfect life. Perfection is a myth. Yet we strive towards it. This year made us realize how ‘perfect’ our lives were before Covid19. Yes, it has to be a bad bash up, for us to appreciate all our blessings.
Finally, we grew to realize how many blessings were being taken for granted. Now we need to realize how much we learnt through this Covid19. How important it is now, to take what we learnt, into our lives now and beyond Corona virus. Most importantly, keeping out environment clean and let the earth breathe.

Anyhow, I have my own reason for writing at this time.
Get rid of some bad habits:

Right now I’m not sharing my bad habits with you, but I’ve got to work on them. Also, try to streamline my goals into my daily life. I haven’t painted enough this year. But that is forgiven, as it was for a greater cause. So, I’d love to bring art and my publication done this year. I’ve got lots of plans this year too, but one needs to keep that a secret till its done. Let the actions speak for themselves.
I’ll just share a few basics here, which maybe the same for you too:
- Get regular with fajar prayers.
- Stop snacking, and do intermittent fasting.
- Sleep 8 hours daily.
- Take special care of yourself, particularly regarding Covid19 .
- Put exercise into lifestyle. Start with 5 to 7 minute workouts, spread over the day. Go for walks.
- Sleep earlier, and wake up earlier.
Never disclose your intentions:

An idea is nothing, till it is done. The stronger your intention or goal the lessor it is to be shared.
Register charity work:
- Finally, time has come to register our charity work.
- Just stick to food drives and bridal projects.
Prayers for all:

I’ll end this post with prayers for you and your family, and may your dreams come true this year. May we meet each other again. Lets hope we are able to hug each other with warmth and love. It is truly hoped that we get rid of Covid19 as soon as possible. After that, to have the world’s economy get back on its’ feet.
May Allah forgive us our sins, and help us to improve ourselves. We have a lot of work to do on our own selves first. Hope God helps us to manage ourselves better.
Stay blessed and protected. 😊