How God helps!
Self enrichment

How God helps!


This happened last week…

I am sitting in this strange office, in a very familiar building in Islamabad. I’ve finally signed a peace treaty and have what is mine. The man in this office, who used to help me, is no longer in this world. I’m suddenly feeling insecure.

As I feel insecure, I shake myself. I know that the One who sent Mr. Ejaz into my life is there, above me. I just have to look up to Him. As I watch the three men, exchanging files, and looking into details and calculating how much dues  I’ve got to pay the office for what I have, I’m skeptical.

“Please help me Allah, I’m feeling insecure, and don’t know anything. “ I pray silently. (No matter what happens, in Pakistan, people are always scaring one about its corruption which really gets you!)

Suddenly, the man looks at me and says. Well it amounts to this much, but since you are a widow, next time, you won’t have to pay so much.

“I’m a widow now too”, I say. “I’ve been that since 2012, you know that.” I add. They look at each other, and say, “You are right. You shouldn’t be paying this amount either.”

He says, “come with me, I’ll speak to the General Secretary, Zafar sahib.” I go back with him to the office we had come from. He explains to the gentleman, showing him the clause in their book of rules, ‘75% concession for widows.’

I’m saved a lot of extra costs. I happily pay the re-adjusted amount. And walk back to my car. How, my Allah helped me at the office! I look at my car, wondering how earlier, I found this parking spot in another market altogether, which turned out to be closer to that office.

I look up at my God, and thank Him, humbly, how He helps me at every step.

Very often, when people realize, I’m going to be driving alone, late at night “oh, so you are going back alone?” I look surprised, “I’m not alone, I say. He is with me!” pointing above me. – See what I mean? I know, it may sound very nutty to some. I’ve watched how He helps me in so many ways, through so many wonderful people who are like angels in my life. My relationship has been very close to Him.

“How much Allah helps us!” Waliya was overwhelmed a couple of days ago. She was so touched at the way a friend’s brother was helping her. Standing outside in lines for her, and helping her to sell her car. “Yes, Allah keeps helping us,” I smiled at her, “He knows He is on full time duty at our place!” He knows, this family only turns to Him, no matter what happens. So, He keeps sending these wonderful people into our lives.

Most of my readers know exactly what I mean. Don’t you?



Stay blessed, my reader.

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