Self enrichment Self Management

Minimalism and Me

Theoretically its great. Minimalism. But actually, it is almost impossible for me. I’m so bogged down with myself, and my stuff. It’s the same in my mind too. So many things I’ve got to share with you. Though I write pretty often, still there is so much more I’d love to share with you. Believe it or not, so much still remains unsaid. I believe it’s the same with you all too. When I meet anyone of you I can feel you too have so much to share. The time just doesn’t seem enough!

So lets start with Minimalism. I admire those who can do it. How some people can simplify life and their own belongings, is simply great.

I’m not that great.

Minimalism is vital for my life now. Otherwise, one gets diverted with things which should have been given away long ago.

Barkat of giving away:

With me there is so much ‘barkat’ as they say. Allah Himself has promised that whatever you give away in Allah’s name, you will be rewarded seventy times. So, this is how it goes. I get so many lovely gifts that I’m again flooded with things. 😊 Alhamdolillah.

That’s what life is all about, doing things for others.

My Minimalism Project:

So, for my minimalism project I give away clothes, books, decoration pieces or even furniture items which I’ve not used for over a year. It is important to share one’s stuff.

Every house-move or posting meant that we gave away anything that we felt we didn’t need any more. In spite of it, we managed to pick up a lot of things from each city we lived in.


These books are my weakness. Most of the jobs I did were solely to be able to afford the books I’d love to buy and read. I’ve got books of different topics. As a writer, I need them as reference too. So, this is why it becomes extremely hard for me to give away any books. So, these need to be given away with care. I’ve donated books to libraries according to the topics; I’ve shared my books with NDU, Preston University, ICAS, Mashal and Research Institute.  So, it is important to give away according to the library’s own requirements. You can always share with your friends too.

Furniture items:

Long before the bridal project started, I’ve given away furniture items for a potential marriage to my staff. When my parents were moving to my place, they gave away their furniture items to make dowries for two marriages of our staff. My father, even gave to his unit.  In this way, one can give the carpets, side-tables, sofa-sets, and center tables. Of course, those of you good in selling your stuff can do that. Lately, I’ve been giving away some furniture items along with the bridal project too, but not often.

When my parent came to my place they came with their dining table, so I gave away my own table to Edhi. I just called them up and they came with a truck to take it away along with a few carpets. After all, my own parents are more precious to me that any furniture item I owned!


My parents moving in meant that they came with all their crockery, so I gave away some of mine. My staff is apprehensive about using their crockery, so I have to make a balance of it all! One needs to remember that things are just things. Humans are more important. So, anything that is more than what one needs is too much and must be given away. As I love to hold functions and events up to fifty people so, I have enough crockery for that. More than that needs to be given away.


There are so many other little items around the home which really don’t need to be there. Yet it is hard to let them go. So, one better be ruthless sometimes.

Sentimental belongings:

These are the hardest to get rid of, and need more care. So, I’ve started making folders with items of interest in them, which are labelled, so one doesn’t keep a whole book when you only needs a page. Photograph albums are also important. Do only keep very special pictures the rest need to be thrown or torn up.

Handy formula:

My mentor Shahida Apa of Mashal School would say, ‘one should start the day by giving a sadqa (charity).’ By the same token, Dr. Wyne Dyer also believed in giving away one of his belongings every day. It is the same spirit. Those who are past their fifties, certainly have too much accumulated. Many of our things really shouldn’t be there, as they have lost their practical use. Just give it away!

So, in spite of giving one thing away on a daily basis; You will be surprised, how many things we still have with us!

This will give us more time to spend out in nature, and with friends. Its much better than to spend time at home dusting our possessions!

Stay blessed! 😊





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  1. As always love your blog and its topic.
    Must see kon Marie style of De
    She is Korean. So fragile and petite.
    And replying your blog is like suraj ko chragh dekhana

    1. Shireen Gheba Najib says:

      Believe me, I’m always on a look out for your comment. It does mean a lot to me. I can see a future writer in you too.

      Kon Marie is another level all together!

      Lots of love and hugs. (No minimalism in both of these!)
      Stay blessed. 🙂

  2. Danyal says:

    The Japanese rule is that if you haven’t used something for the past 90 days and don’t intend to use it in the next 90 days, you should consider giving it away.

    1. Shireen Gheba Najib says:

      Dear Danyal,
      The Japanese have very little land too, so they know exactly what they are talking about! Also, perhaps it is due to this quality of theirs that they’ve been able to focus on the high tech world excellence which they’ve achieved! It is something to be learnt and copied.
      My father always said that if one hasn’t used a thing for a year, then it must go.
      So, any one of both these theories should be taken up.
      Thank you so much for your comment. Stay blessed. 🙂

  3. Shireen I was referring the way she use to thank the things which were under your use and then let it go.

    1. And that thing can be of anyone’s use.

    2. Shireen Gheba Najib says:

      Yes, I loved it too! Its like saying a goodbye to it in a nice way.

      1. Yes we should adopt this habit of letting go of things which should be of good condition so that others can use it too

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