Why and How of New Year Resolutions…
Positive thoughts

Why and How of New Year Resolutions…


A conversation between Me and Myself here, begins with Me saying….

“Why make new year resolutions?”

“Why not?” Asks Myself.

“One never follows it.” Me, again.


“Ok don’t. But at least there is a record of what you planned, and what didn’t work out. Otherwise, there isn’t any record of your ‘doings’ and ‘not doings’….!” Explains Myself.

“So, I should do it?” That’s Me.


“Ok. Now what? Shall I copy the last year’s ones? Pat myself on the back for what was done, and kick myself for what wasn’t? Then paste it as this year’s New Year Resolutions? “ Asks Me

“Yes, rewrite the ones that didn’t happen, and still apply… You can even write a few more.” Goes on Myself.


“Ok, and?”

“Well, I also wrote down, all the other things that did happen, (to make Myself feel better.) Actually, Masha Allah, it ended up as being an awesome year anyway. The things that were done, which weren’t planned were even better than the ones I had planned!” – Some One Up There knows better !

Come to think of it, if somethings didn’t work out, perhaps that too was good?

“We need to forgive ourselves for not doing what we planned?” Its Me.

“Definitely!” Assures Myself. “Because all that wasn’t done, was because one was busy elsewhere dealing with all those other unplanned and unexpected things that happened, and one did a hell of a good job of it too. Lots of fire-fighting done.”

“It had to be done?” Me says.

“Yes, and one must praise one’s self for that.” Myself again, in her own positive way.

“Really?” Me is always a bit skeptical.


“If you don’t appreciate all that you have done and achieved in the last year, who else will? When you are being kind to others in your life, start by being kind to yourself first!” Myself is deep into the topic.

“Hmmm, good idea!” Now, Me is also fully into it.

Myself gets enthusiastic “Why not make a list of all the things that you did achieve last year, which were unplanned, and you did so well.Even make a list of all the horrid things that happened, but finish it with how well you handled them, and ended up achieving even more, as a result of it. Go on. Do it.”

“Great! Now, let us write the New Year Resolutions….” Me is getting all fired up too.“ Where to start?”

Myself gets into the subject. “First: The list of things which were not completed last year:

  1. Weight loss. : Do it with plans for changing certain habits like having just soup and salad for lunch. Walks every evening. Exercise too. You know, if you want to lose weight then, one hour of exercise is necessary. You can do it in bits and pieces during the day. Half an hour in morning, and half an hour in evening. Or it can be Zumba exercises half an hour and walk for next half an hour. Whatever.
  2. Sleeping on time, the full eight hours. Simple bedtime needs to be followed.
  3. Wiser financial management.
  4. Taking care of assets.
  5. Taking care of one’s body.
  6. Follow up of projects in hand.
  7. Fire-fighting of projects out of hand.
  8. More spiritual enlightenment: five time prayers, Quranic studies (or which-ever Book you are supposed to read.)
  9. Relationships:  parents, spouse, children, relatives and friends.
  10. Mini and maxi vacations. These are a must. (Mini being weekly or monthly, Maxi being annual.)
  11. Ended up with a time line.

How’s that?”

” Not bad !” says Me with a smile, “it is like upgrading a program. So now I can say  that I have updated my New Year Resolutions.”

“Now,  do it. I mean, write it down.” says Myself, ” Nothing to beat the power of writing. Where? Lets align all these ‘objectives’ with the new diary of next year which you have bought – (best one is the one with two dates to one page) – you can attach the resolutions to the first few pages of the 2017 diary. Or do it on the planner in your computer, or fill in here and there in the year’s planner in your mobile phone. I like the old fashioned hand writing diary….”

Me says “I got a diary from the US, its entitled “Not my circus, not my monkeys!” – that is why I got it. Excuse me, let Me also do it now!”


Myself says “We’ll meet again on same topic next year hopefully (-if we both are alive then.)”

Which brings Me to bringing a few items from one’s bucket list into it also. “Why not??? ” Sigh. Life can be sooooooo exciting. I love it, Me thinks.


Meanwhile stay blessed and keep smiling.:)

Note: Photographs provided by author.


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