Hi Everyone!
Life moves at such a pace that it is hard to stay on one’s feet. We are going one way and end up elsewhere! This is why it is even more important for us to keep ‘re-aligning’ ourselves on a regular basis; which is only possible when one is alone. Instead of wallowing in self-pity about your ‘loneliness’, you need to enjoy your own company!
What better company could be there anyway, than your own charming self? Tell me! This is the time for introspection, reflection and thinking your own thoughts. Yes, a bit like my last blog post here, but different. You’ll see.
Avoid too many selfies:
Then you can’t resist a selfie and this is what you see! I mean, this is what I saw – my own true picture.

Yes, scary version of myself! Can a camera be wrong?
Well, if we don’t keep being with our own selves, then we are bound to lose ourselves on the way. So, finding one’s self every now and then becomes important.
How can anyone else treat you right, when you yourself don’t treat yourself right? Give yourself time, to be and become yourself. The self that you want to be.
Like I’ve tried to do when we were in Murree the other weekend:
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) trips to cave of Hira:

Of course it was for his own, ‘me time’! That’s where he found his own self and started receiving messages from the Almighty, which were preserved in the Holy Quran!
I suppose it would be the same with us, as Dr. Wyne Dyer says, ‘when you are alone, you are with God.’ 😊 It is so true. We get closer to Allah when we are alone, and have a flow of thoughts.
You need to be in a place where you can go on thinking the thoughts that you want to think. To try to find answers to the deeper questions in one’s life. address what is troubling you. But please, stop making it a maudlin session. Keep it positive.
It is actually a breaking away from the pressures of daily life and finding your inner self. This is only possible when one makes sure one has some uninterrupted time.

Avoid interruptions:
No live sessions on Instagram. Nor blogging, nor any communication with anyone else. Definitely no phone calls. Only ‘talks’ with one’s own self. Okay, you can keep a diary or Dictaphone or whatever makes you feel comfortable. But it isn’t for sharing with anyone else.
Just your own self. To get back to your previous thoughts, later on, if you like. Otherwise. No need for anything. Just being on one’s own.
Journaling is the name of the game, Baby. Yes, having a diary and maintaining it. Write your feelings and thoughts in it.
These days bullet journaling has become the rage. Okay! Better than nothing. Do something. If you find you are getting depressed or feel ‘down’ always start with five points of gratitude for the life you are having currently. In fact, it is best to way start your journaling, to get you going.
Even while traveling with others, you get pockets of peace with your self. You invariably find many pockets of introspection.
Simply enjoy them, get detached from the rest of the group to have that ‘me-time’.
Please put your phone off. Luckily during this trip to Murree, the internet facility was missing. We all LOVED it. 😊 We had deeper conversations and we enjoyed it thoroughly.
Going for daily walks alone:
This becomes a two-in-one session, so you are doing physical exercise, breathing in fresh air and also finding time alone. For God’s sake do not be on the phone during a walk. You are here to be with nature and with yourself. Stop being with others during your ‘me-time’!
For once, you are more important.
Don’t tell me ‘this call is important’. It isn’t. You are.
Occasionally, you can plan walks with friends or your partner. But that is the exception, not the rule.
How much time, for me-time?

That depends on you. Sometimes, just five to ten minutes can be enough, when life is being a bit crazy. But normally anytime between fifteen to twenty minutes, up till an hour. Specially when you are going through life changing events in your life. It is important to have your ‘me-time’ to reconnect with your own inner self.
Me-time benefits:
- You will feel better inside.
- Your ability to be in sync with your own principles and philosophy of life will improve.
- It will cleansing and detox mind and body.
- Better organization, planning and implementation of your short-term and long-term goals.
- Inner happiness.

Stay blessed and protected my dear Reader. 😊
Asalamualikum. Hope you are doing well. We have interacted on Instagram before when i heard your podcast with aliya aunty but right now i am indulged into your website for quiet some time. As soon as i read the blog on me time. I legit felt like waking up, we are been extremely hooked up on things everyday, watching netflix, studying making unconscious decisions just scrolling through apps and apps. Accepting the self love we have but not actually loving ourselves. Comparing ourselves to perfect people on Instagram, just being worried all the day. We as humans need pockets of peace we interact with the world but we don’t interact with ourselves. LOVED EVERY WORD YOU SAID ❤️
Walaikum assalam, Hafsa.
Thank you so much for this comment of yours, I’m really happy that you felt it was useful. Receiving such a response from my Reader, validates the time I spend on writing. Many people ask me ‘do you get for it?’This is what matters to me; the meeting of minds. The sharing of thoughts.
Your taking the time out to write this comment means the world to me,
Lots of love and do stay blessed.
Shireen. 🙂